We’re moving to Wodify!
As part of the Great 2014 CrossFit Virtuosity Makeover, we're excited to bring you a shiny new membership system: Wodify! Please read on to hear what you need to do to get set up!
As part of the Great 2014 CrossFit Virtuosity Makeover, we're excited to bring you a shiny new membership system: Wodify! Please read on to hear what you need to do to get set up!
It is with great sadness that we bid farewell this week to our dear friend and longtime coach Gregg "Deja Vu" Martino.
Join Coach Elasti on Sunday, September 21st to tackle the shoulder mobility and flexibility issues that challenge good position in movements like the clean & jerk, snatch, handstand push-up, and pull-up!
After deep consideration, we have decided to overhaul our membership plans, and transition to a world in which every one of our members can attend unlimited CrossFit classes.
Beginning Friday, September 5th, our Friday evening schedule will return to non-summer hours. Specifically, Lab Hour will take place at 4:30, Level 2 classes will take place at 5:30pm, 6:30pm, and 7:30pm, and Powerlifting will take place from 7-8:30pm.
We have for many years now relied upon our awesome interns to keep the lights on at the front desk. However we feel the time has come to sadly bid them adieu and hand over the front desk to a few dedicated professionals. Starting after Labor Day, we're super excited to welcome Leo as our first ever Front Desk Manager!
Over the next few weeks, you may notice some construction happening on the north side of the gym. This may cause some disruption to the front desk and changing areas, and potentially also spread into the main gym area to some degree. We are working to bring you upgraded bathroom facilities, and hope that you will be patient with us during this time!
We will be making the following changes to our usual class schedule over Labor Day Weekend.
It's almost the end of summer: time to get back in the paleo swing of things with our Back To School Whole30 Paleo Challenge! We're tossing the sugar, grains, and alcohol for 30 days of clean livin' during the month of September -- join us!
We will be making the following schedule changes on Saturday August 23rd to accommodate our inaugural Brooklyn Barbell Club Olympic Weightlifting Meet