Stretching Your Big Toe with Coach Joey

By Spenser Mes Our toes, especially our big toe, which bears twice as much weight as the other four combined, rarely get the love they deserve. When we run, our toes maintain contact with the ground 75% of the time, elongating the foot and allowing us to go faster. And when we deadlift, squat, or do kettlebell swings, they help stabilize the body. Yet we often forget about our toes, which Joey compares to forgetting about your fingers when trying to hold a handstand.

By |2016-06-16T16:54:25+00:00June 16th, 2016|Articles|0 Comments

James Kozlakowski Takes 10th at Regionals

By Spenser Mes Like the rest of CrossFit Virtuosity, James Kozlakowski did Murph on Monday, and like those of us who were able to fight through the lingering soreness, he also worked out on Wednesday. The major difference between James and the rest of us is that, days before, he placed 10th at the CrossFit Games East Regional. Only in his second year of CrossFit, James was a reluctant convert. "Looking at it from an outside point of view, it looked pointless," he says. He'd been doing these kinds of workouts for most of his life: as a football player and wrestler in high school in Lynbrook, NY and then as a lacrosse player for Long Island University, where he studied childhood education. After he graduated in 2012, though, he missed competing, and a friend suggested he try CrossFit. What hooked him was realizing he wasn't as well conditioned as he'd thought. "CrossFit opened a new goal in my life — not to be the most ripped or best looking, but rather to be in the best shape possible."

By |2016-06-04T14:20:20+00:00June 4th, 2016|Articles|0 Comments

Why We Love Gymnastics (And You Should Too!)

Perhaps you've noticed that we've been programming quite a bit of gymnastics work lately. Perhaps you are wondering why. Perhaps you don't consider yourself particularly good at gymnastics and find the experience challenging. Perhaps challenging sometimes verges on frustrating. Perhaps you look at the programmed workout and feel some dismay. Perhaps you decide to skip working out today in favor of tomorrow. We understand all of these possible feelings about gymnastics. Gymnastics is HARD. But we say to you also, gymnastics is IMPORTANT.

By |2016-05-10T07:35:30+00:00May 10th, 2016|Articles|0 Comments

Making the Impossible Possible

Here's a great blog post from the archive. Coach Elasti wrote this a couple years ago, but it's always relevant, especially at this time of year! Originally published January 2013. -- When I started CrossFit four years ago, I never thought I would be where I am today athletically, professionally, and personally. In the beginning, just showing up and getting through the workout was all I could manage. Eventually, I got comfortable and ambitious enough to set some real concrete goals. My first CrossFit goals were: Get a pull-up (at 36 I had NEVER been able to do this!) and deadlift 200lbs (what?!). In order to achieve these seemingly impossible (at the time) tasks, I would need a plan. Being part of a community and having access to coaching helped, but I would also have to practice, show-up, and track my progress. What I couldn’t imagine then was how pursuing these goals would turn me into the CrossFitter I am today.

By |2015-12-18T12:22:13+00:00December 18th, 2015|Articles|0 Comments

Travel Workout Ideas!

re you going on a work trip or taking a vacation? No need to get out of the habit of working out! Most CrossFit gyms will let you drop in as a visitor -- you can search for affiliates with the CrossFit Affiliate Finder. If there's nothing convenient, or you're not going to be able to fit a class into your schedule, here are some ideas for things you can do in a hotel room, basic hotel gym, or outdoors!

By |2015-12-06T12:06:50+00:00December 6th, 2015|Articles|0 Comments

Athlete Testimonial: Patricia Velez

I invite men and women, especially those 40 years of age and older to get to know CrossFit. Thanks to my daughter, who inspired me to exercise regularly, get in shape, relieve stress, and escape routine, my life has changed in every way.

Invito a hombres y mujeres, en especial a las personas mayores de 40 a-os en adelante a conocer el CrossFit. Gracias a mi hija que me incentivo a ejercitarme, ponerme en forma, eliminar el stress, salir de la rutina, mi vida ha cambiado en todos los aspectos.

By |2015-10-20T16:13:35+00:00October 20th, 2015|Articles|1 Comment

Athlete Profile: Eleni Greenblatt

Name: Eleni S. Greenblatt
Hometown: Deer Park, Long Island
Age: 38
Occupation: Half mom, half real estate broker
CrossFitting Since: January 2013

How have you changed since starting CrossFit?
For the very first time in my life I am comfortable in my own skin. I have always been the type to hide in clothes and now I am so healthy and relaxed which carries over in my family and work. I hope to be a great role model to my daughters and show them with very, very, very hard work you can accomplish anything.

By |2015-04-17T19:33:25+00:00April 17th, 2015|Articles|3 Comments

Athlete Profile: Phil Quinn

Name: Phil Quinn
Hometown: West Islip, NY (Long Island)
Age: 24
Occupation: Software Engineer
CrossFitting Since: On and off since 2010.

What makes CrossFit Virtuosity unique?
THE PEOPLE! That includes the members and the coaches. Everyone is super unique and varied and interesting and welcoming. No matter how far I move from CFV, I will keep coming back as long as I live in this city. I can’t imagine working out with a cooler group of people.

By |2014-07-30T09:11:42+00:00July 30th, 2014|Articles|6 Comments

Bite-Sized CrossFit Concepts: “Cardio”

(or Why We Don’t Program “Murph" Every Day)

For today’s bite, let’s take on the elephant in the room: cardio.

The mainstream fitness prescription calls for spending hours and hours “burning calories” on the treadmill (or elliptical, or exercise bike, or whatever the cardio machine du jour happens to be.)

We do not like this. Here’s why.

By |2014-07-09T06:32:37+00:00July 9th, 2014|Articles|4 Comments
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