On Coaching: Part 6

Forget What You Don't Know!
There are a million things we don't know. We don't even know all the stuff we don't know. Don't obsess on that. You know enough to get people to exercise. You know enough to teach people. If for whatever reason, you're called on to work outside your comfort zone and teach something you don't know, give it your best shot.

By |2010-04-12T14:14:57+00:00April 12th, 2010|Articles|1 Comment

On Coaching: Part 5

Dealing With Complexity
Movements with more than two or three major positions or transition points are significantly more complex to teach. I generally categorize movements into three levels of complexity: simple, intermediate, and complex.

By |2010-03-02T09:57:44+00:00March 2nd, 2010|Articles|3 Comments

On Coaching: Part 4

Moving The Masses — Following are some tips on how to teach a group to move. This isn't the only way to do things, but it represents a handful of things that I have found to work in the past and use as a guideline.

By |2010-02-15T17:20:04+00:00February 15th, 2010|Articles|4 Comments

Showing Up

It's pretty easy to give up on the gym. Some people get frustrated if they don't see gains immediately. Other people come back after a long layoff, take on too much, and burn out fast. Most of the time, the best results come from simply sticking with it. As it happens, we have a little success story that demonstrates exactly that!

By |2010-01-18T09:00:12+00:00January 18th, 2010|Articles|36 Comments

What Else Is Possible?

In this guest-article, Michael Halbfish discusses how transformation occurs both physically and mentally when we confront and overcome seemingly impossible obstacles and challenges and when we give ourselves over to our own greatness.

By |2010-01-11T00:00:13+00:00January 11th, 2010|Articles|4 Comments

12 Days of Christmas Workouts

The holidays can involve a lot of time away from the gym, often in places where it's hard to find any equipment to work out with. But never fear -- we've come up with 12 awesome workouts you can do more or less anywhere to keep you out of that vacation workout rut!

By |2009-12-08T18:56:32+00:00December 8th, 2009|Articles|6 Comments

On Coaching: Part 3

Once a coach has learned the model, the next step is to effectively convey the model to the athlete in a way that they understand it and can emulate it. Communication skills are vitally important and need to be cultivated. No matter how great your model of the exercises, it's not worth anything if you cannot communicate it to your athletes. Communication is not about what you say, but about what the person you are trying to communicate with hears.

By |2009-06-30T10:57:15+00:00June 30th, 2009|Articles|4 Comments
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