The 2023 CrossFit Virtuosity Gift Guide

‘Tis the season for dropping very subtle hints (like sharing this page 😂) so loved ones will gift you awesome CrossFit stuff!

We’ve got a bunch of suggestions that are also great for gifting to other people, and to yourself, of course.

Fresh Merch

Show your love for CFV! We’ve overhauled our online store with designs old and new on tees, tanks, hoodies, kids stuff, even dog bandanas 🐶

Virtuosity Gift Cards

All of our memberships and private training sessions can be gifted by purchasing an online gift card of the appropriate value. Don’t forget to factor in sales tax (4.875%.)

We’ll also happily send you a printable PDF card as pictured if you shoot us an email ([email protected]) to request it after purchase!

Note: if it’s not working from your phone, try it from a computer (ZenPlanner doesn’t officially support phones 😳)!

CrossFit Shoes

CrossFit Sneakers

A good pair of CrossFit sneakers can be a game-changer for your movement quality, because they’re less squishy than running shoes so you can get that sweet, sweet proprioceptive feedback on how exactly you’re balanced over your foot.

Here are some pairs we like —

Weightlifting Shoes

If you struggle to get into a good squat position when weightlifting due to limited calf and ankle mobility, weightlifting shoes can make a world of difference.

Here are some that are designed to be worn for WODs (i.e. you can kinda run and jump in them once you’re done lifting.) —

For a pure weightlifting shoe (usually pretty heavy and clunky for running and such, but optimized for heavy lifting) check out these —

Other Gear

Jump Ropes

If you’re just learning to do either single- or double-unders, you need a rope that’s heavy enough to give you some feedback, but not so heavy that you’re wasting a ton of energy turning it. We like this one —

For high rep double-unders and triple-unders, you need a feather-light rope that turns super smoothly. These are some good ones —

Hand Care Stuff

You may have noticed that we spend a lot of time gripping various things. Diligent callous care can stop you from ripping your hands up, and maximize your time on the bar!

The Steps —

  1. Soak until soft in bath or shower.
  2. Shave thick calluses (gently!) (optional) with a Callus Shaver
  3. Sand down until callus is thin and even but still tough with SandBar
  4. Moisturize with O’Keeffe’s Working Hands

Gymnastic Grips

Some people swear by these, some people hate ‘em. On the up side, they put a barrier between your skin and the pull-up bar, which can protect your hands. On the down side, they effectively increase the diameter of the bar, which can make it harder to hold on.

If you think they’re for you, we recommend —

Knee Sleeves

Maybe your knees are a little creaky when it’s cold. Maybe you like a little bit of cushion for lunges. Maybe you appreciate getting knee hugs when you’re bouncing out of the bottom of your squat. There are lots of reasons to love knee sleeves!

Lightweight ones are the most versatile for warmth and medium support; we like these ones —

If you want to be shot outta the bottom of your squat like a catapult, try some nice thick ones like these —

Recovery & Mobility Gear

There’s nothing quite like a Theragun massage after a rough week of workouts. Unless it’s a shoulder massage from this shiatsu massager. Or, go old-fashioned with  Rumble Roller, or space-age with a Normatec 3 Full Body (or just the legs if the whole thing seems a bit excessive 😂).

To round things out, a couple mobility and recovery tools that’d fit really well into a stocking —

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