Minute by Minute
“If winning is not important, why keep score?” Klingon Proverb
The United States chose its seven-person Olympic weightlifting team on Saturday at the Olympic qualifying meet at Georgia Tech. Bound for Beijing in August are:
* Cheryl Haworth (pictured above)
* Natalie Woolfolk
* Carissa Gump
* Melanie Roach
* Kendrick Farris
* Chad Vaugh
* Casey Burgener
This will be the third Olympics for Haworth, the top women’s qualifyer. She won the bronze medal in Sydney in 2000 (the first year women were permitted to compete in weightlifting).
Melanie Roach, 33 and just 117 lbs, overcame surgery and the demands of three young children to rise to the top of her sport.
Natalie Woolfolk and Casey Burgener are thrilled to both be competing in Beijing. They are planning to get married in November.
Wednesday 080521
10-minute Hollow Rock practice. Try to do 1-minute on (or longer) and 1-minute off for 10 minutes.
3 rounds of:
1 min Squats
1 min 4-foot Broad Jumps
1 min Knees to Elbows
1 min rest
Switch on the minute between stations. Score 1 point for every rep. Post score to comments.
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Fight global warming by taxing all recreational exercise