Alter Egos: Callan Lamb

@spensermestel finds out a few things about Callan for our documentary series ALTER EGOS: the secret real life identities of people you’ve only ever seen in sweatpants!
:: Usually Attends: 7:00am.
:: Started CrossFit: At CFV in March of 2018.
:: Years of CrossFit: 1.
:: Origin Story: Callan used to work at Kickstarter with fellow CFVer @lrechis, who raved about the gym enough that Callan decided to try it for himself. The first week, he was “blown away” by Coach Noelle’s attention to detail and the fun, laid back vibes, especially Coach Sam’s sense of humor during his second workout: 10 minutes of lunges.
:: Gym Superpowers: Glute strength.
:: Gym Kryptonite: Snatches. Coach Blanco has him trying split snatches, which he describes as “the hottest fitness trend of 1890.”
:: Favorite DJ: Coach Noelle’s “Monday Morning Dance Party” playlist.
:: Loves Most about CFV: That the coaches stop him from adding too much weight, especially when he’s ignoring his awful overhead mobility. He also wants to give a shoutout to his gym conscience, @layla_loo82, who convinced him he could do toes-to-bar and makes it feel like “every workout is the Open” (in a good way).
:: Occupation: Software engineer at Skillshare.
:: Hometown: Amityville, Long Island
:: Years in NYC: 11.
:: Origin Story: Callan moved to go to NYU
:: Real Life Superpowers: His daily skin care regimen. You’ll have to ask Callan for the full routine, but two products he recommends are Paula’s Choice Antioxidant Enriched Natural Moisturizer and Walgreens Store Brand Zinc 50 SPF Sunscreen (#NotAnAd).
:: Real Life Kryptonite: Overcommitting. On a recent Wednesday night, Callan found himself at a Manhattan gallery for the exhibition opening of a friend of a friend, surrounded by people who were “wasted and clearly didn’t have to work in the morning.” This cemented his commitment to start saying “no.”
:: You’ll Be Surprised To Know: Callan should plan your wedding. Before his own, he took a “pre-honeymoon” in Thailand, then had the ceremony in Hong Kong, and then went to Thailand for the honeymoon proper. “You gotta pre-stress in advance.”
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