Go Balls To Wall!
Learn the Power of Self Massage with Yoga Tune Up® Creator, Jill Miller
As CrossFitters we know that every second counts. Learning self-massage with Yoga Tune Up Therapy Balls is the fastest way to improve your performance. Free up the range of motion in your shoulders, hamstrings and hips. Learn to help yourself and your clients relieve pain and increase mobility.
This CERTIFICATE TRAINING course empowers professionals from any body-based discipline to help clients of any level of fitness to adopt a simple and effective self care regimen. The YTU Therapy Balls can be used as an adjunct offering within personal training sessions, stretch, Pilates, dance classes, wellness coaching, yoga, massage therapy, or with kids and special needs populations.
Learn 6 proven head-to-toe series that affect profound change in the rotator cuff, upper back, neck, jaw, hips, lower back, IT Band, calves and feet. Throughout this training you will identify bony landmarks, muscular attachments, fascia geography, and specialized ball rolling techniques that penetrate into common high tension areas to help release adhesions, generate circulation and relieve pain.
Help clients at every level of fitness OR disability gain awareness of their own anatomy to build their confidence and ability to live PAIN FREE!
* NOTE: Tuition includes training manual, YTU Therapy Balls and recorded sequences. Please bring your own yoga mat and yoga block.
Learn more about the Yoga Tune Up® Therapy Balls here.
Date: Tuesday, October 18, 9-12pm and 2-5pm.
Price: $250 before October 3rd, $295 thereafter.
Good morning,
I am interested in Jill’s workshop in October. Do you stil have slots available?
Any suggestions for overnight accommodations?
Yes, there are spots left. Please sign up.
We often refer people to http://www.hotellejolie.com/
which is very convenient to the gym. Please check with them for availability though because it’s small and they are often booked.
We are extremely convenient to Manhattan so if you would prefer to stay in Manhattan there are a lot more choices.
Send us an email to contact (at) crossfitvirtuosity (dot) com to get more info.
are there still spaces left?
Yes, Heather. There are still spaces left. Please sign up.