Alter Egos: Young Alex

@spensermestel finds out a few things about Young Alex for our documentary series ALTER EGOS: the secret real life identities of people you’ve only ever seen in sweatpants!
:: Usually Attends: 5:30pm.
:: Started CrossFit: At CFV.
:: Years of CrossFit: 3.5.
:: Origin Story: His brother was training partners with Coach Rob and introduced Alex to the gym. Coach Ariel taught his intro class, and Alex had a feeling that all of us can relate to: “I didn’t want to let him down. It’s like disappointing your dad.”
:: Gym Superpowers: Anything on the rings. When he started, though, Alex couldn’t even hold a false grip.
:: Fitness Background: Skateboarding and lacrosse, but his true passion was competitive paintball. He traveled as far as the West Coast to play in tournaments.
:: Gym Kryptonite: Deadlifting.
:: Favorite DJ: His brother, who’s in the strength class, or Coach Reggie.
:: Loves Most about CFV: The community (he liked when I handed out mini-bottles of tequila after the last Open workout) and the workouts. He says, “I’ve been to enough boxes to know that the programming here is excellent.”
:: Occupation: Middle school math teacher in Windsor Terrace (at the south end of Prospect Park).
:: Hometown: Westbury, Long Island.
:: Years in NYC: 10.
:: Origin Story: He did his last two years of college at NYU and has been in Brooklyn ever since.
:: Real Life Superpowers: Finding his inner peace. During his hour-long morning commute, Alex meditates for 20 minutes. He says it’s changed his life – and he’s yet to miss his subway stop.
:: Real Life Kryptonite: Spontaneity. He loves to follow his routine but makes a point of breaking it occasionally. After teaching high school for seven years, he knew he needed to try something new and switched to the middle school.
:: You’ll Be Surprised To Know: Alex is a motorcycle rider and vlogger (codename: fxdlsbrooklyn), and you may have seen his Black Harley parked outside of CFV. Last summer, he rode cross-country with his dad and cousin. The trip took two weeks, and the highlights were the deserts, canyons, and badlands of South Dakota.
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