Alter Egos: David Kille

Our finest investigative reporter uncovers the secret real life identities of people you’ve only ever seen in sweatpants for our documentary series ALTER EGOS. For this installment @spensermestel finds out a few things about @drkille !
:: Usually Attends: Was 7am when school was in session but could be any class now.
:: Started CrossFit: At CFV.
:: Years of CrossFit: Almost one.
:: Origin Story: He liked that CFV was next to McCarren “in case we got to do park workouts!” So young, so innocent.
:: Fitness Background: Growing up, David’s parent would incentivize him to do sports by buying him the requisite footwear, so he played volleyball, racquetball, and basketball, ran track, and did karate (barefoot). For being sturdy, good for running, and available in fierce colors and patterns, his CF shoe rec is the Metcon 2.
:: Gym Superpowers: Toes-to-bar and muscle-ups.
:: Gym Kryptonite: Heavy lifting.
:: Favorite Workout Music: DJ Mike (good variety) or DJ Morgan (matches the genre with the workout).
:: Loves Most about CFV: Seeing how his academic hypotheses turn out. David’s primary research interest is goal pursuit, so for this year’s Open, he asked users on the CrossFit subreddit to self-assess their motivation for 17.3, 17.4, and 17.5. He discovered that people are more motivated for events that are further in the future.
:: Occupation: Postdoc in psychology at Columbia.
:: Hometown: Manitoba, Canada.
:: Years in NYC: Almost one.
:: Origin Story: After working in UX marketing for two years in Toronto, David moved to NYC to start his postdoc program.
:: Real Life Superpowers: Whistling (between the lips, behind the teeth, alto, soprano, alone in the car, you name it).
:: Real Life Kryptonite: Making decisions.
:: You’ll Be Surprised To Know: David occasionally goes sober for three months. He says that’s the perfect amount of time because, during the first month, you’re miserable, during the second month, you start to get used to it, and during the third month, it’s become a habit.
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