About Us
CrossFit Virtuosity began in 2008 as two coaches and a group of hardy athletes working out in the Central Park Pinetum, rain or shine. A year and a few temporary indoor spaces all over Manhattan later, we were drawn out to Brooklyn by its giant, cheap-by-Manhattan-standards warehouse spaces, and have been here ever since.
In our decade plus, we’ve grown from our small park group to hundreds of athletes.
Along the way we’ve…
…transformed two giant, dirty warehouses into giant, sexy gyms (our original location was lost to condo developers, but we built back stronger #RIPN8th)
…seen people who almost passed out / threw up / tapped out halfway through our intro class go on to be some of our most fit and committed members. We can’t count how many people have done things they never thought they’d be able to.
…thrown some crazy parties, including a wedding! Our members have dated each other, married each other, had babies with each other, and broken up and gotten into fights over custody of the gym. (Thankfully more of the former than the latter!)
…trained and employed (and continue to employ) some of the best coaches in the business: our coaching alumni have gone on to found at least 6 other successful gyms.
…and, most importantly, we’ve built an amazing, supportive community and had so much fun doing it all!
What Is Virtuosity?
We define virtuosity as doing the common uncommonly well. We focus on mastery of movement basics in order to build the solid foundation required to excel at advanced athletic pursuits, minimize injury risk, and maximize training efficiency. For example, a flawless air squat will enable the maximum possible squat snatch, and also allow maximum intensity to be reached in a higher volume squat workout used for conditioning. This will allow the fastest possible increase in strength and conditioning.
Our pursuit of virtuosity leads us to draw upon expertise wherever we find it: you’ll catch our coaches borrowing from everything from yoga and movement culture to powerlifting and bodybuilding.