Through the unattainable..
“To me, the tragic alone has that significant beauty which is truth. It is the meaning of life—and the hope. The noblest is eternally the most tragic. The people who succeed and do not push on to a greater failure are the spiritual middle classers. Their stopping at success is the proof of their compromising insignificance. How pretty their dreams must have been! The man who pursues the mere attainable should be sentenced to get it—and keep it. Let him rest on his laurels and enthrone him in a Morris chair, in which laurels and hero may wither away together. Only through the unattainable does man achieve a hope worth living and dying for—and so attain himself.” Eugene O’Neill
O’Neill reminds us to dream big and also to pursue those big dreams. Doing so is how we find purpose in our lives. This article tells us that the key to virtuosity and to greatness is based in one thing: deliberate practice. I believe that is true. It is crucial to our development not only to reach for what is beyond our grasp but to work hard and strive until you get there. This is true for everyone. Everyone is capable of greatness.