Run & Performance Seminar
Brian Mackenzie, The Most Dangerous Man in Endurance Training, is coming to Brooklyn to teach you how to run.
Tim Ferriss, best selling author of The 4 Hour Work Week will be making a special book signing appearance for attendees from 11am – 12pm.
Date: Saturday, December 18th
Time: 9am-5pm
Location: 221 N 8th Street, Brooklyn
Cost: $175
This is an amazing opportunity to get coached by one of the best running coaches in the country. Brian is the owner of CrossFit Endurance. He is an ultramarathoner and is featured in Tim Ferriss’ new book, The 4-Hour Body.
You’ll spend the day with Brian learning proper running mechanics and how to set up your performance for success with the correct scaling to understand where your success will start.
You will be video taped before and after and be given drills to learn how to run effectively along with proper queuing. You will then learn how to properly take this new skill and implement it into your own programming for success.
Very interesting…I’ll be there.
i cant wait