Membership Changes

We’re changing up our membership options, and we wanted to give you a little insight into what we’re doing and why we’re doing it.

To see all current membership options and prices in one place,
please visit our Pricing page.

The What

Beginning May 18th, 2017, we will be changing up our membership options. The big changes will be —


  • 4x per week membership: we now offer a 4x per week membership for $220 per month.
  • Diamond All Access CFV+BBC membership: this new membership level includes all of our CrossFit and Brooklyn Barbell classes, plus monthly weekend skill seminars, towel rental, and locker rental.
  • 2x per week and 3x per week stand-alone BBC memberships: we now offer these for $200 and $225 per month respectively.
  • BBC Competitor Program: we now offer a special membership for athletes who want to compete in the sport of Olympic Weightlifting.


  • Unlimited CrossFit membership: this membership level will now include monthly weekend skill seminars, towel rental, and for Level 3 athletes, supplemental programming / extra time to complete said programming.


As we have always done when we change our pricing structure, we will allow you to keep your existing membership on a grandfathered basis if it’s working for you and you don’t want to change it, with the caveat that grandfathered memberships cannot lapse or be placed on hold.

  • Contract Membership: we will no longer offer any contract membership.
  • Off-Peak Membership: we will no longer offer Off-Peak membership.

The Why

Classes-Per-Week Based Memberships.

We strongly believe in committing to at least 4 days of training per week consistently, so that you’ll see good results and won’t be constantly taking one step forward and one step back. However, we also have come to feel that our pricing should reflect a little bit more actual attendance and use of gym resources, hence we are introducing a 4x per week membership as a step down from our unlimited membership.

We have also introduced a 2x per week membership for Level 1 only — this is designed to help people get started and ramp up to 4x per week.

💎 Diamond BBC+CFV All Access Membership.

Our original vision was to provide a lot of things a la carte (e.g. as add-ons) to give you guys more flexibility in what you pay for. A la carte will still be an option for lower levels of membership, but if you just want to pay once and get everything, we’re going to give you that option as well. Our Diamond All Access membership will include all CrossFit classes (you’ll still have to pass the relevant test out to take Level 2 / Level 3 classes) and all Barbell Club classes, as well as monthly skill seminars, towel rental, and locker rental.

Upgraded Unlimited Membership: More Opportunities To Improve.

Although there is an obvious correlation between how often you’re here and how much you pay, we also don’t want cost to be prohibitive to athletes who want to spend some extra time working on their movement / mobility / strength. Therefore, for athletes who have graduated to Level 3, our Unlimited CrossFit and All Access memberships will now include extra credit programming, extra gym time to complete extra credit programming, and monthly skill seminars.

No More Contracts.

As it turns out, we really hate enforcing contracts. It just sucks to have to make someone pay a penalty because they’re moving or they got a new job that means they have to work 14-hour days for a while. We do like providing an incentive to stick with the program long enough to make it into a habit, but we’re going to try some different ways of making that happen.

Separate Barbell Club Memberships

We are developing Brooklyn Barbell as a stand-alone business, and as part of this, we’re restructuring our Barbell Club memberships. We will no longer offer BBC membership as an add-on to CrossFit membership: instead, BBC athletes will have a Barbell Club membership, and can purchase additional CrossFit membership at a discount.

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